Image from Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, MS. Opie 46

Works by the Opies

Works relating to Iona and Peter Opie

Works by Peter Opie

1939. I Want to Be a Success. London, Michael Joseph.

1945. Having Held the Nettle. London: Torchstream Books.

1946. The Case of Being a Young Man. London: Chosen Books.

1953. 'The Collection of Folk–Lore in England'. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 101, 697–714.

1954. 'England, The Great Undiscovered'. Folklore 65, 149–64.

1957. 'The Present State of Folklore Studies in England'. Folklore 68, 466–71.

1963. 'The Tentacles of Tradition'. Folklore 74, 507–26.

1964. 'Proposal for a Dictionary, Arranged on Historical Principles, of English Traditional Lore'. Folklore 75, 73–90.

1970. Foreword to You Know Me Anty Nelly? Liverpool Children's Rhymes. Compiled by Frank Shaw. Rev. and enl. edn. London: Wolfe, pp. vii–ix.

1975. 'John Newbery and his Successors'. Book Collector 24 (1975), 259–69.


Works by Iona Opie

1986. 'The Opie Oeuvre'. Children's Literature Association Quarterly 11, 122–23.

1988. 'Iona Opie 1923– '. Something about the Author. Autobiography Series 6, 203–17.

1989. 'The Making of Folklore Books: Chiefly the Experiences of Revd John Brand and the Opies'. Folklore 100, 53–62.

1989. A Dictionary of Superstitions. Ed. by Iona Opie and Moira Tatem. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1991. 'May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lecture: The Nature and Function of Children's Lore'. Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 4, 350–60.

1993. The People in the Playground. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1996. My Very First Mother Goose. London: Walker Books.

1996. 'Playground Rhymes and the Oral Tradition'. In International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature. Ed. by Peter Hunt. London: Routledge, pp. 173–86.

2001. Foreword to Play Today in the Primary School Playground: Life, Learning and Creativity. Ed. by Julia C. Bishop and Mavis Curtis. Buckingham: Open University Press.

2014. ‘A Lifetime in the Playground (Inaugural Address to ‘The State of Play’ Conference, University of Sheffield, 1998)’. International Journal of Play 3.3, 198–204.


Selected works by Iona and Peter Opie

1947. I Saw Esau: Traditional Rhymes of Youth. Williams & Norgate.

1950. 'Boaters in the River'. Folklore 71, 54–55.

1951. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

1951. 'The Preservation of Folk Song Texts in Juvenile Literature'. Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society 6.3, 92–96.

1951. 'Burns and the Nursery'. Scots Chronicle, 71–79.

1953. 'Opies Request Children's Lore'. Journal of American Folklore 66, 268.

1953. 'How We Play and What We Say'. The Village 8, 22–31.

1955. The Oxford Nursery Rhyme Book. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

1957. Christmas Party Games. New York: Oxford University Press.

1959. The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1963. The Puffin Book of Nursery Rhymes. London: Puffin

1969. Children's Games in Street and Playground. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

1970. 'Children's Derogatory Epithets'. Journal of American Folklore 83, 354–55.

1971. 'Games (Young) People Play'. Horizon 13, 16–19.

1973. Three Centuries of Poetry and Nursery Rhymes for Children. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1973. The Oxford Book of Children's Verse. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

1974. The Classic Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1974. 'Children's Sports and Games'. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th edn. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 242–46.

1975. 'Language in Children's Culture'. In Children and Language: Readings in Early Language and Socialization. Ed. by Sinclair Rogers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 135–49.

1977. Three Centuries of Poetry and Nursery Rhymes for Children. Rev. and enl. edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1980. A Nursery Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1980. 'Certain Laws of Folklore’. In Folklore Studies in the Twentieth Century. Ed. by Venetia J. Newall. Woodbridge: Brewer.

1983. The Oxford Book of Narrative Verse. New edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1985. The Singing Game. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1988. Tail Feathers of Mother Goose. Little Brown.

1990. Babies: An Unsentimental Anthology. London: John Murray.

1994. The Oxford Book of Children's Verse. New edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1997. Children's Games with Things. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1997. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. New edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.