Biography Works by the Opies Works relating to Iona and Peter Opie |
Avery, Gillian. 1999. 'A Lifetime's Journey: The Opies and the Folklore of Childhood'. The Lion and the Unicorn 23, 286–99.
Avery, Gillian. 2004. 'Opie, Peter Mason (1918–1982)'. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Avery, Gillian, and Julia Briggs, eds. 1989. Children and their Books: A Celebration of the Work of Iona and Peter Opie. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barnes, Peter. 2014. ‘Iona Opie: Distant Relations and ‘the kindness of friends'. International Journal of Play, 3.3, 316–20. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 134–38.
Bateman, Amanda, and Carly W. Butler. 2014. ‘The Lore and Law of the Playground’. International Journal of Play, 3:3, 235–50. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 53–68.
Beresin, Anna R. 2014. ‘O.P.: Collection as Celebration of Children’s Self-Organized Play. International Journal of Play, 3, 321–25. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 139–43.
Bishop, Julia C. 2013. The Working Papers of Iona and Peter Opie. Oral Tradition, 28, 205–216.
Julia C. Bishop and June Factor, eds, The Lifework and Legacy of Iona and Peter Opie: Research into Children’s Play (London: Routledge, 2019)
Bishop, Julia C. 2019. ‘The Lives and Legacies of Iona and Peter Opie’. International Journal of Play 3.3, 205–23. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 23–41.
Bishop, Julia C. 2018. In Memoriam ‘Iona Opie (1923-2017)’. Folklore 129, 199–202.
Boyes, Georgina. 1995. 'The Legacy of the Work of Iona and Peter Opie: The Lore and Language of Today's Children'. In Rhyme, Reason and Writing. Ed. by Roger Beard. London: Hodder and Stoughton, pp. 131–46.
Cott, Jonathan. 1983. 'Profiles: Finding Out is Better'. New Yorker, 4 April, 47–91.
Cott, Jonathan. 1983. When the voices of children are heard on the green: Iona and Peter Opie. Pipers at the Gates of Dawn: The Wisdom of Children’s Literature. New York: Random House, pp. 241–309.
Curtis, Mavis. 2014. Iona and Me. International Journal of Play, 3.3, 326–33. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 144–51.
Dinnage, Rosemary. 1979. 'The Secret Garden of Peter and Iona Opie'. New Society 25 October, 180–83.
Factor, June. 2014. ‘Colleagues in the Antipodes: Conversations with Iona and Peter Opie’. International Journal of Play 3.3, 224-34. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 42–52.
Finnegan, Ruth. 2014. ‘Child Play Is Serious: Children's Games, Verbal Art and Survival in Africa’. International Journal of Play 3.3, 293–315. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 111–32.
Giddings, Seth. 2014. ‘What is the State of Play?’ International Journal of Play 3.3, 194–97. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 2–5.
Grugeon, Elizabeth. 1988. 'Underground Knowledge: What the Opies Missed'. English in Education 22.2, 9–17.
Grugeon, Elizabeth. 2014. ‘What the Opies Have Meant to Me: Opening Teachers' Eyes to the Literacies of the Playground. International Journal of Play 3.3, 334–38. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 152–56.
Hardman, Charlotte. 1973/2001. 'Can There Be an Anthropology of Children?' Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 4, 85–99.
Hobbs, Sandy, and David Cornwell. 1991. 'The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren: A Study of Scholars' Reactions'. Folklore 102, 175–82.
Jopson, Laura, Andrew Burn, and Jonathan Robinson. 2014. ‘The Opie Recordings: What's Left to be Heard? In Children's Games in the New Media Age: Childlore, Media and the Playground. Ed. by Andrew Burn and Chris Richards. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 31–51.
Lichman, Simon, and Rivanna Miller. 2014. Meeting in the Middle East: Iona and Peter Opie's Contribution to Co-existence Education’. International Journal of Play 3.3, 280–92. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 98–110.
Marcus, Leonard S. 1989. 'In Search of "Childish Things": An Interview with Iona Opie’. The Lion and the Unicorn, 13.2 , 7–27.
McKinney, Barbara J. 1995. 'The Contribution of Iona and Peter Opie to Children's Literature'. In Sustaining the Vision: Selected Papers from the Annual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship. No place: [IASL], pp. 52–55.
Myer, Michael Grosvenor. 1974. 'The Children's Child’. Folk Review July, 7, 21.
Reedy, David. 2014. ‘Making Sense with the Opies’. International Journal of Play 3.3, 339–42. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 157–60.
Richards, Chris, and Andrew Burn. 2014. ‘Postscript: The People in the Playground’. In Children’s Games in the New Media Age: Childlore, Media and the Playground. Ed. by Andrew Burn and Chris Richards. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 207–14.
Simpson, Jacqueline. 1982. Obituary: Peter Mason Opie, M. A. (1918–1982). Folklore 93, 223.
Warner, Marina. 2001. Introduction. The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren by Iona and Peter Opie. New York: New York Review of Books, pp. ix–xix.
Widdowson, J.D.A. 2014. ‘Stumbling into Folklore more than 50 Years Ago’. International Journal of Play 3.3, 343–48. Reprinted in Bishop and Factor (2019), pp. 161–66.